
API-driven VPS hosting for Monero, Bitcoin, and Bitcoin Cash.


The exchange ToS do not mention that it will ever request the user for a KYC verification.

Custodial wallet No personal information needed Strict no-KYC policy API available JavaScript needed
(updated 20 hours ago)
ToS Review ?

Automated, ai-driven monthly ToS reviews.

Last Check: 2024-07-24

Transaction Monitoring

The privacy policy mentions actions users can take to remain more private, like using Monero for transactions, which implies that some level of transaction monitoring is in place.

ToS section: "Privacy Policy / Privacy Guide"

Data sharing with authorities

While attempting to provide privacy, the policy also states that the service often must comply with law enforcement and legal requests.

ToS section: "Privacy Policy / Privacy Guide"


It is implied that user activities and some transaction information may be logged, especially given the advice to take certain steps to remain private, such as using Monero.

ToS section: "Privacy Policy / Privacy Guide"

Account termination/blocking

The Acceptable Use Policy mentions that actions leading to abuse complaints can result in the termination of server(s) and banning of tokens.

ToS section: "Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)"

Transaction flagging

The Acceptable Use Policy implies that transactions leading to abuse complaints can result in punitive actions, indicating some form of transaction monitoring or flagging mechanism.

ToS section: "Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)"

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User Identification

No user identification verification is mentioned in any part of the document.

ToS section: "Not Applicable"

3rd Party Data Sharing

There is no explicit mention of sharing user data with third parties.

ToS section: "Not Applicable"

Blocking of funds

There is no explicit mention of the service blocking or freezing user funds.

ToS section: "Not Applicable"

Matrix Comments ?

Beware of fake reviews and accounts. Verify user profiles and conduct your own research.