
Buy and sell bitcoin for fiat (or other cryptocurrencies) privately and securely using Bisq's peer-to-peer network and open-source desktop software. No registration required.


The exchange ToS do not mention that it will ever request the user for a KYC verification.

Peer to peer trading Non-custodial wallet No registration needed Open source code Strict no-KYC policy Refunds do not require KYC Peer to peer network No JavaScript needed
(updated 7 hours ago)
ToS Review ?

Automated, ai-driven monthly ToS reviews.

Last Check: 2024-07-24

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Transaction Monitoring

Bisq does not monitor or retain information about which trades occur or the individuals involved in transactions. Bisq does not know anything about traders who use its network, and no data is stored on who trades with whom.

ToS section: "About"

User Identification

Bisq does not require users to register or verify their identity, thereby protecting user privacy.

ToS section: "About"

3rd Party Data Sharing

Bisq does not hold any user data or share any user information with third parties.

ToS section: "About"

Data sharing with authorities

Bisq does not collect or retain user data, so there is no data to share with authorities.

ToS section: "About"


Since Bisq is a decentralized peer-to-peer network that operates over the Tor network, it does not log or store IP addresses or transaction data.

ToS section: "About"

Blocking of funds

Bisq does not have control over user funds as all funds are held in 2-of-2 multisignature addresses controlled by the trading peers themselves.

ToS section: "About"

Account termination/blocking

Bisq does not have user accounts that can be terminated or blocked as there is no registration or account creation process.

ToS section: "About"

Transaction flagging

Since Bisq does not monitor or track user transactions, there is no system in place for flagging suspicious transactions.

ToS section: "About"

Matrix Comments ?

Beware of fake reviews and accounts. Verify user profiles and conduct your own research.