
Mix your Bitcoin with CoinJoin technology to provide you with untraceable coins.


The exchange ToS do not mention that it will ever request the user for a KYC verification.

Custodial wallet No registration needed Strict no-KYC policy Source code is private
(updated 16 hours ago)
ToS Review ?

Automated, ai-driven monthly ToS reviews.

Last Check: 2024-02-16

Show non-conflictive ToS reviews

Transaction Monitoring

Not applicable as the provided HTML document does not include any pertinent information regarding the service's approach to transaction monitoring of user activities or transactions in regards to cryptocurrency.

ToS section: "Not available due to application error."

User Identification

The HTML document does not contain information on whether users are required to verify their identity, as an application error has occurred without displaying the relevant content.

ToS section: "Not available due to application error."

3rd Party Data Sharing

There is no information available on whether the service shares user data with third parties due to an application error preventing access to the document's content.

ToS section: "Not available due to application error."

Data sharing with authorities

Access to information on whether user data is shared with authorities or law enforcement is not available due to a client-side exception within the document.

ToS section: "Not available due to application error."


The document provides no information about logging user data such as IP addresses or transactions as it is currently inaccessible.

ToS section: "Not available due to application error."

Blocking of funds

The content related to the blocking or freezing of user funds is unattainable due to an application error in the document.

ToS section: "Not available due to application error."

Account termination/blocking

There is no accessible information about the conditions under which user accounts could be terminated or blocked due to an error in the provided document.

ToS section: "Not available due to application error."

Transaction flagging

Documentation regarding a system for flagging suspicious transactions is unavailable because of a client-side exception within the document.

ToS section: "Not available due to application error."

Matrix Comments ?

Beware of fake reviews and accounts. Verify user profiles and conduct your own research.