
For a price of a cinema ticket a month, get a physical SIM phone number. All your messages are encrypted with your personal private key using industry standard 256-bit asymmetric encryption.


The exchange ToS do not mention that it will ever request the user for a KYC verification.

No personal information needed Strict no-KYC policy Account needed to use the service Source code is private JavaScript needed
(updated 18 hours ago)
ToS Review ?

Automated, ai-driven monthly ToS reviews.

Last Check: 2024-02-16

Blocking of funds

While the service described does not appear to handle funds directly, it reserves the right to delete a user's phone number and disable the account entirely without notice if the number is used for abusive purposes. This action could indirectly affect financial transactions if they are associated with the phone number.

ToS section: "Terms and Conditions (Use of Services, Phone Number Usage)"

Account termination/blocking

The document states that the company reserves the right to terminate or restrict a user's use of services if they violate terms or any applicable laws, which implies that accounts could be terminated or blocked for such violations, including potentially suspicious sources of funds or transactions.

ToS section: "Terms and Conditions (Use of Services)"

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Transaction Monitoring

The document does not mention monitoring user transactions or activities in regards to cryptocurrency.

ToS section: "N/A"

User Identification

The document explicitly states that the service will never willingly ask users to undergo any KYC (Know Your Customer) procedure.

ToS section: "Terms and Conditions (Last Update of there [sic] Terms and Conditions was: 11th August 2023)"

3rd Party Data Sharing

The provided document does not include any information regarding the sharing of user data with third parties.

ToS section: "N/A"

Data sharing with authorities

The document does not disclose any details about data sharing with authorities, law enforcement, or government agencies.

ToS section: "N/A"


There is no mention of logging user data, including IP addresses or transactions, in the provided document.

ToS section: "N/A"

Transaction flagging

There is no indication in the document that the service has a system in place for flagging suspicious money or cryptocurrency transactions.

ToS section: "N/A"

Matrix Comments ?

Beware of fake reviews and accounts. Verify user profiles and conduct your own research.