
Verify your online accounts via SMS with temporary real phone numbers.


The exchange ToS do not mention that it will ever request the user for a KYC verification.

Custodial wallet No personal information needed API available Account needed to use the service Source code is private JavaScript needed
(updated 10 hours ago)
ToS Review ?

Automated, ai-driven monthly ToS reviews.

Last Check: 2024-05-03

3rd Party Data Sharing

The terms state: "Your payment information will be treated and safeguarded with total security and with the exclusive purpose of processing transactions for the recharges. JuicySMS reserves the right to contract any payment platform available in the market, which treats your data for the sole purpose of processing transactions for the recharges." This suggests user payment data could be shared with third-party payment platforms.

ToS section: "5. RECHARGES"

Account termination/blocking

The terms state: "JuicySMS reserves the right to terminate your account or your access immediately, with or without notice to you, and without liability to you, if JuicySMS believes that you have breached any of these terms, furnished JuicySMS with false or misleading information, or interfered with use of the platform or the service by others." This suggests accounts can be terminated for various reasons.

ToS section: "4. ACCOUNT"

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Transaction Monitoring

The terms and conditions do not mention anything about monitoring user transactions or activities related to cryptocurrency.

User Identification

There is no mention in the terms and conditions about users being required to verify their identity.

Data sharing with authorities

The terms and conditions do not mention anything about sharing user data with authorities, law enforcement, or government agencies.


There is no explicit statement in the terms about logging user data, IP addresses or transactions.

Blocking of funds

The terms do not mention anything about blocking or freezing user funds related to money or cryptocurrency.

Transaction flagging

There is no mention in the terms about flagging or monitoring suspicious transactions related to money or cryptocurrency.

Matrix Comments ?

Beware of fake reviews and accounts. Verify user profiles and conduct your own research.