crypto efectivo

Buy/Sell cryptocurrencies for cash, P2P, 100% legally in-person in Madrid, Spain.


The exchange ToS do not mention that it will ever request the user for a KYC verification.

No-refund policy Phone number may be required Peer to peer trading No personal information needed Aggregator provides guarantees JavaScript needed In-person service
(updated 10 hours ago)
ToS Review ?

Automated, ai-driven monthly ToS reviews.

Last Check: 2024-05-03

Data sharing with authorities

The website explicitly states that its service helps clients avoid paying taxes to the government/state authorities. It says 'NO DEJES QUE TE ROBEN, PAGA LOS MENOS IMPUESTOS POSIBLES DENTRO DE LA LEY' and 'En Cryptospain damos ejemplo y podemos decir de forma clara y abierta que no pagamos impuestos a Hacienda, algo que tú también puedes lograr sin mucho esfuerzo, solo con decisión.'

ToS section: "Under the 'Quién es Cryptospain' section."

Show non-conflictive ToS reviews

Transaction Monitoring

There is no explicit mention of transaction monitoring or tracking cryptocurrency activities of users.

ToS section: "The entire website does not contain any relevant information regarding this aspect."

User Identification

There is no requirement mentioned for users to verify their identity or provide any identification documents to use the service.

ToS section: "The website does not provide any details related to user identification."

3rd Party Data Sharing

There is no mention of sharing any user data with third parties.

ToS section: "The website does not contain any information about data sharing practices."


There is no information provided about logging of user data or transactions on the website.

ToS section: "No relevant section found."

Blocking of funds

The website does not mention any policies related to blocking or freezing of user funds.

ToS section: "No relevant section found."

Account termination/blocking

There is no information provided about having user accounts or any policies for account termination or blocking.

ToS section: "No relevant section found."

Transaction flagging

The website does not mention any mechanisms for flagging or detecting suspicious transactions involving money or cryptocurrencies.

ToS section: "No relevant section found."

Matrix Comments ?

Beware of fake reviews and accounts. Verify user profiles and conduct your own research.