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The exchange may request KYC from any user at any time, typically triggered by an automated flag system, leading to a temporary block of funds.

Automated Risk-Prevention System No-refund policy No registration needed Non-custodial wallet API available Source code is private JavaScript needed
(updated 9 hours ago)
ToS Review ?

Automated, ai-driven monthly ToS reviews.

Last Check: 2024-05-03

Transaction Monitoring

BitcoinVN employs an automated risk prevention system that flags and monitors suspicious transactions. The compliance team then conducts individual reviews and risk assessments, which can include requesting identity verification from the client.

ToS section: "General"

User Identification

BitcoinVN requires users to undergo KYC/AML verification if their transactions are flagged as suspicious by the risk prevention system. Additionally, users must provide personal information to increase their limits for VND deposits via bank transfer.

ToS section: "General, VND deposits"

3rd Party Data Sharing

BitcoinVN reserves the right to share received materials (presumably including user data) with legal authorities upon request.

ToS section: "General"

Data sharing with authorities

BitcoinVN reserves the right to share received materials (presumably including user data) with legal authorities upon request.

ToS section: "General"


While not explicitly stated, it is implied that BitcoinVN logs user transactions and data as part of their KYC/AML procedures and risk prevention system.

ToS section: "General"

Blocking of funds

If a client declines to provide identification or submits false documents, their deposited funds will be refunded within 72 hours, implying that their funds can be blocked or frozen during the verification process.

ToS section: "General"

Account termination/blocking

If a client is suspected of using a third party's bank account for deposits, their account may be blocked, and they will be required to verify their identity before their orders can be processed. Additionally, if a client fails to pick an account within 14 days of being asked to do so, all of their accounts will be deactivated.

ToS section: "VND deposits, One person, one account"

Transaction flagging

BitcoinVN employs an automated risk prevention system that flags suspicious transactions, which are then reviewed by the compliance team.

ToS section: "General"

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